Friday, October 15, 2010

The Most Amazing Ancient Artifacts Part 1.

1. "Genetic disc" carved in Lydite.
 These are very strange artifacts from Colombia in South America. As they were found in Colombia and they do not fit any existing pre-Columbian culture, we must consider that those artifacts are at least older than 6,000 years, but we cannot explain what kind of technology they used to be able to make such instruments and such tools made with lydite.
The most famous industrial designer and architect in Colombia, Professor Jamie Gutierrez and his team, have been collecting strange artifacts from his country for decades. His most important piece is the so-called Genetic Disc.

2. "Genetic Disc" showing microscopic biology.
Here you can see the disc made out of Lydite. Lydite is an exceptionally hard stone and it's nearly the same hardness as granite but with the flakey and delicate structure of leaves. With that being said it would be practically impossible to make the same artifacts today in our modern era using the same materials. The Ancient techniques responsible for these Lydite carvings, in my opinion are just absolutely astounding.

3. "Genetic Disc" showing stages of fetal development and sexual reproduction.
The diameter of this disc they call the “Genetic Disc,” is about 27 centimeters. On this disc you have several things presented which usually you can only see with a microscope. I’m going to repeat that again, The artist or artists responsible for the “Genetic Disc,” carved depictions of human biology that can only be seen with a microscope! For example, on the left side around 11 o'clock you can see one egg, human egg without sperm cells and another depiction with sperm cells. On the right side at approximately one o'clock you can see some microscopic cells along with several other very strange presentations which scientists could not explain.  Look in any Bio text book and you will see that the egg with and without spermia looks exactly like the presentation on this Genetic Disc.

On the reverse side you have, on top, several presentations of fetus in different size, different age, ending up with what looks like a little child. You see also, at the end of the plate at around six o'clock, female and male. And also on the right side around nine o'clock you can see the presentation of man, woman, and child. Strange how they present those human-like heads.

4. Very Strange carving, use unknown. (Lydite)

5. Alligator Flute (Lydite)

6. Front View. Flute w/ Holes perfectly "drilled" (Lydite)
The Flute holes are carved so perfectly that it would be difficult for us to replicate even with today’s machinery.

7. Tool used to cut umbilical cord. (Lydite)
 Here you can see a knife carved out of the same material. On top of the knife on the handle, you have a mother's head, below you have the child's head, and the umbilical cord is going around the neck of the child. So that means this knife would have been used to cut the umbilical cord, saving the child's life.

8. Tool to assist pregnancy. (Lydite)
This instrument might have been used for helping the child coming out, leaving the mother, when there were some complications. It is also made out of the same material, lydite. Which is found to be more medically sanitary and safe than the stainless steel instruments used today.

9. Tool to assist pregnancy. (Lydite)
You have here in the center the child's head coming out. And on the reverse side, you can put only your thumb inside. That means you can only use this instrument with your fingers meaning you cannot use power. So it might have actually been safer for helping the child leaving the mother than the instruments we are using today because sometimes even the modern instruments can damage the child's head.

10. Carving, mother and child (Lydite)

11. Strange molded figurine (Lydite)

12. Advanced Medical Tools. (Lydite)

13. Collage of different Ancient Tools (Granite, Lydite)
You can see, each piece fits exactly every kind of hand, never mind how big the size of the hand was.

Each instrument, each tool, fits exactly each hand which was using those instruments. Amazing!

Thanks for Checking this out! It's Astounding how little we know about the History of the Human Race on Earth and everytime we find an incredible Ancient Artifact i believe we fill in another missing piece of the puzzle. I look forward to sharing more Amazing Ancient Artifacts in the near future!
-Jean Claude


  1. This is amazing. How advance we were before so called modern civilization.

  2. If this is authentic artifacts , the civilization responsible for making them were more advanced then todays world, brain power did this NOT computer or machine power, just amazing

  3. I believe this artifact is Andite. A culture described in the text of the Urantia book. "These Andites were adventurous; they had roving dispositions. An increase of either Sangik or Andonite stock tended to stabilize them. But even so, their later descendants never stopped until they had circumnavigated the globe and discovered the last remote continent. These Andites inaugurated new advances throughout Eurasia and North Africa. From Mesopotamia through Sinkiang the Andite culture was dominant, and the steady migration toward Europe was continuously offset by new arrivals from Mesopotamia. But it is hardly correct to speak of the Andites as a race in Mesopotamia proper until near the beginning of the terminal migrations of the mixed descendants of Adam. By this time even the races in the second garden had become so blended that they could no longer be considered Adamites. By 12,000 B.C. three quarters of the Andite stock of the world was resident in northern and eastern Europe, and when the later and final exodus from Mesopotamia took place, sixty-five per cent of these last waves of emigration entered Europe.

    (873.1) 78:5.5 The Andites not only migrated to Europe but to northern China and India, while many groups penetrated to the ends of the earth as missionaries, teachers, and traders. They contributed considerably to the northern groups of the Saharan Sangik peoples. But only a few teachers and traders ever penetrated farther south in Africa than the headwaters of the Nile. Later on, mixed Andites and Egyptians followed down both the east and west coasts of Africa well below the equator, but they did not reach Madagascar.

    (873.2) 78:5.6 These Andites were the so-called Dravidian and later Aryan conquerors of India; and their presence in central Asia greatly upstepped the ancestors of the Turanians. Many of this race journeyed to China by way of both Sinkiang and Tibet and added desirable qualities to the later Chinese stocks. From time to time small groups made their way into Japan, Formosa, the East Indies, and southern China, though very few entered southern China by the coastal route.

    (873.3) 78:5.7 One hundred and thirty-two of this race, embarking in a fleet of small boats from Japan, eventually reached South America and by intermarriage with the natives of the Andes established the ancestry of the later rulers of the Incas. They crossed the Pacific by easy stages, tarrying on the many islands they found along the way. The islands of the Polynesian group were both more numerous and larger then than now, and these Andite sailors, together with some who followed them, biologically modified the native groups in transit. Many flourishing centers of civilization grew up on these now submerged lands as a result of Andite penetration. Easter Island was long a religious and administrative center of one of these lost groups. But of the Andites who navigated the Pacific of long ago none but the one hundred and thirty-two ever reached the mainland of the Americas." The Urantia Book...

    I believe this book contains many of the answers that people who are looking for the truth are searching for. Truth or fiction? I am leaning towards truth. When I look for proof: I always find it.
